V’s New Velocity

As I mentioned previously this week, one of my NYCC highlights was attending the V panel and screening. I’d always watched TV and internet coverage of panels and screenings from other cons and wanted to go to them. They provide a unique opportunity for fans, actors, and producers to interact and celebrate the show that they work on. The V panel was even more than I expected it to be, especially considering that the only reason I attended was to see Morena Baccarin (Firefly) in person. The show has dropped off my radar last season when it started taking itself too seriously and the plot didn’t develop fast enough. But as I tweeted after the panel, watching the preview clips and listening to the Q & A responses, I may just be convinced enough to watch season 2.

The event started with an announcement that a specially made preview reel of season 2 footage would be shown before the panelists and mediator were introduced. Two giant screens projected what seems like 15 solid minutes of as of yet unseen V scenes. It started out with the 1 minute promo that ABC has been airing, then went right into a lot of new material. There was a lot that they showed us. Some notable scenes, included a sneak peak at the first episode when “Red Sky” is introduced. The effect looked really cool, and we got some hints that this supposed weapon against the humans was not supposed to happen this early in Anna’s plan. The captians of the other V ships confront her and we get to watch Anna kill a particularly outspoken captain using a barbed tail! Another iteresting scene shows Lisa turning to Erica as a motherly figure after problems arise between her and Anna. The preview that got the biggest reaction from people was when Anna goes down to the apparent “basement” of the V spaceship to meet with her mother – original V villainess Diana (Jane Badler). Since I never watched the original series or mini-series I couldn’t fully appreciate this moment, but the crowd went wild. Intrigue was created for me when it is revealed that Anna usurped power from Diana and everyone believes her to be dead. This could create some interesting power struggles, especially if Lisa ever finds out about Diana, who would be her grandmother.

The V panel at NYCC

After the lengthy preview, the panelists were introduced for the discussion and Q & A. This consided of Morena Baccarin (Anna), Laura Vandervoort (Lisa), Jane Badler (Diana), and Steve Pearlman (Executive Producer). Through the conversation, we learned that Jane Badler had to audition for the role of Diana – she wasn’t just offered it because she played the character in the original series. I understand why they did that, but at the same time, I’m sure that she was highly favored, especially from a publicity standpoint. The actresses discussed what’s going to happen with their characters. Lisa’s character is going to deal with the V’s version of puberty, which will cause tension between her and Anna, who is now barren. Pearlman fended off a number of questions about resolution plans should the show continue to suffer from low ratings or get the boot. He seemed convinced that plot was going to move faster and be more exciting than anything we saw last season. Personally, I am still skeptical about that. If it were up to me (and oh how I wish it were) I would’ve dropped V and kept FlashForward, but alas that was not the case.

My over all feeling was that they are really trying to appease the fans while sticking to their original ideas as best they can. A number of clearly long-term V fans asked some very specific questions about what elements of the older series might be introduced. Based on the responses, it sounds like the show is only loosely following any plots from the old series. It seems that Red Sky is a throwback, but what they do with it will be different. I thought this was a strong move for the show since it will somewhat appease older fans, while defining itself as its own series and not riding on the coattails of its predecessors. I am definitely willing to give the show another chance if the changes that were talked about are indeed implemented. But I will be pretty fast to stop watching if it falls back into its old ways from last season. Mostly, I think I’m just still bitter that it got to stay over FlashForward.