Monthly Archives: July 2010

Being Happy With the Unhappy

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I don’t like happy endings. There are some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part I find that happy endings with a nice, neat little bow tied around all the … Continue reading

#001 – Emmy Nominations

My very first video podcast is now live! I decided to use instead of UStream. A link to the channel is in the sidebar. Let me know what you think!

“Work of Art” is a Piece of Work

It became clear this summer, that Bravo was looking for something to replace Project Runway after it moved to Lifetime. A number of the same producers with the addition of Sarah Jessica Parker, came together to create a new competition … Continue reading

Project Audience Tolerance

Sometimes there are just great television concepts that should be left alone. Unfortunately, there is the mindset of “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth over-doing” in the world of reality TV. Because of this, great shows, such as The Mole, … Continue reading

TV Plus Internet Equals Joy

We shut off the cable TV at my apartment for the summer since less people would be there. It was mildly sad having to drive the cable box over to the Time Warner service center and drop it off since … Continue reading

New, Exciting Things

To mix things up, I’ve decided to start some new features on here starting this weekend! The first is this nifty “featured posts” bar at the top of the page. It cycles between the three or four most popular posts … Continue reading