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Category Archives: General TV
Shows in Limbo

It’s that time of year, when fans hold their breath in anticipation to see if their favorite show will be renewed for another season. There are a number of sites that do breakdowns for cancellation probability, but I thought I’d … Continue reading
My NYCC Experience

When I got onto a Metro North train on Saturday morning with my best friend Lisa, I was excited but had no real expectations for what the day would bring. I’d never been to any sort of convention of any … Continue reading
NYCC Weekend!

I am going to be heading down to New York City this weekend for the annual New York Comic Con (NYCC) this weekend! I’m incredibly excited about this because it is the first comic con of any kind that I … Continue reading
A Plea to ‘Glee’
I was going to write about Castle, Lone Star, and The Event today since they all premiered last night, but unfortunately I had to DVR them for today. I’ll still planning to talk about them at some point, since two … Continue reading
Cheerleaders & Spies
Two new shows premiered on The CW last week: Nikita and Hellcats. Neither of theses shows were even on my radar until days before they aired. Usually The CW is not a channel I associate with stellar TV drama. Let’s … Continue reading
My New Fall Show Picks
In the past few weeks, a number of people have asked me what new shows I’m excited about. In previous years, I’ve had access to ABC’s new pilot DVD from a family friend, but since I’ve been away at school, … Continue reading
Being Happy With the Unhappy
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I don’t like happy endings. There are some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part I find that happy endings with a nice, neat little bow tied around all the … Continue reading
TV Plus Internet Equals Joy
We shut off the cable TV at my apartment for the summer since less people would be there. It was mildly sad having to drive the cable box over to the Time Warner service center and drop it off since … Continue reading
Reliable Re-Runs

Most TV discussion is about the new episode of a show, but in reality, most TV is comprised of re-runs. Personally, I love it when a network picks up the rights to air the re-runs of a show that has … Continue reading