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Category Archives: Rant
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (We’re Not In Skaro Anymore)

So I know I’ve been talking about Doctor Who and Torchwood quite a bit recently, but that’s because they’ve had the most interesting controversies/problems to talk about. Today, I need to discuss Doctor Who. As you already know, the 5th … Continue reading
BBC Needs To Get Its Torchwood Act Together
As a follow-up to my recent post ranting about the absurdity of the potential US reboot of Torchwood, I stumbled upon this article today. At first I was elated that the two networks had realized the stupidity of their idea. … Continue reading
ABC’s Castle Experiences Writer’s Block
I started watching ABC’s Castle from when the pilot episode first aired, mostly because I am a huge fan of Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Dr. Horrible). The show’s premise was somewhat less than intriguing, but I thought I’d give it a … Continue reading
U.S. Torchwood Sparks Familiar Controversy
I was recently made aware of the news that FOX is working with the BBC to create a U.S. reboot of the popular british sci-fi show Torchwood. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, Torchwood is a spin-off of … Continue reading