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Category Archives: Review
Darkly Returning Dexter
After months and months of waiting and nervous anticipation, my favorite show currently on television returned this week: Dexter. I don’t call this show my “favorite” for nothing. From it’s series premiere straight through four seasons it has had me … Continue reading
Cheerleaders & Spies
Two new shows premiered on The CW last week: Nikita and Hellcats. Neither of theses shows were even on my radar until days before they aired. Usually The CW is not a channel I associate with stellar TV drama. Let’s … Continue reading
My New Fall Show Picks
In the past few weeks, a number of people have asked me what new shows I’m excited about. In previous years, I’ve had access to ABC’s new pilot DVD from a family friend, but since I’ve been away at school, … Continue reading
“Work of Art” is a Piece of Work
It became clear this summer, that Bravo was looking for something to replace Project Runway after it moved to Lifetime. A number of the same producers with the addition of Sarah Jessica Parker, came together to create a new competition … Continue reading
Boring TV Cure: “Unknown”

Last week a new mini-series premiered on ABC called Persons Unknown. I didn’t know too much about it and happened to stumble upon it after the premiere of Last Comic Standing. The first couple of minutes caught my eye, so … Continue reading
A Pretty Little Surprise

A while back I talked about how one of my guilty pleasure shows is an ABC Family show called Secret Life of the American Teenager. During its summer premiere, a new show called Pretty Little Liars got a TON of hype, … Continue reading
Doctor Who Returns With A Bang
I was quite the happy camper last week when one of my all-time favorite TV shows returned to the airwaves: Doctor Who. For those of you not familiar with the show, it’s a british sci-fi series that originally aired from … Continue reading
FlashForward’s Mid-Season Return
As you will come to find in regularly reading this blog, I am a big TV fan. I watch almost 30 different shows (not all at once, some are on hiatus). Yes, I realize that this is insane. One of … Continue reading
Tim Burton Should Take A Page Out Of His Own Book
As you may remember from my last post, I went to see the new Tim Burton film Alice in Wonderland last weekend. I was excited to see the film since I absolutely love Tim Burton’s work and am also a … Continue reading