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Monthly Archives: April 2010
Time For A Recess With Way Back Wednesday

Remember those TV shows you used to watch when you were in middle school? Maybe it was a Saturday morning cartoon or a ridiculous sitcom. Well let’s travel down memory lane because it’s time for a new feature I’m calling … Continue reading
Let’s Talk Guilty Pleasures
We all have them, you know, those shows that we watch but don’t like to advertise that we do to others? Usually it’s because we worry about what others will think of us for watching a show that may be … Continue reading
RESULTS: New Blog Name?
So I received 20 votes total in my lovely poll. Thank you to everyone for your input. I am pleased to announce that the winner (by a very slim margin) is “One Seven One”! And for those of you, like … Continue reading
Friday, Fun, Fafarazzi
Since it’s Friday, I’ve decided to take a break from all my ranting and raving this week to talk about one of my favorite things: fantasy TV games. I discovered this a couple of years ago and have been addicted … Continue reading
BBC Needs To Get Its Torchwood Act Together
As a follow-up to my recent post ranting about the absurdity of the potential US reboot of Torchwood, I stumbled upon this article today. At first I was elated that the two networks had realized the stupidity of their idea. … Continue reading
ABC’s Castle Experiences Writer’s Block
I started watching ABC’s Castle from when the pilot episode first aired, mostly because I am a huge fan of Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Dr. Horrible). The show’s premise was somewhat less than intriguing, but I thought I’d give it a … Continue reading
Announcing Some Changes
I recently had an epiphany regarding this blog, and decided that it lacked focus and direction. To remedy this, I have decided to write specifically about TV shows and TV-related subjects, since most of my topic ideas seem to veer … Continue reading
Doctor Who Returns With A Bang
I was quite the happy camper last week when one of my all-time favorite TV shows returned to the airwaves: Doctor Who. For those of you not familiar with the show, it’s a british sci-fi series that originally aired from … Continue reading
Temperatures Increase and Taste Levels Decrease
If you’re in the northeast like I am, you may have noticed some changes recently, and I’m not talking about the weather (although it is to blame). Yes, it’s getting into the lovely spring weather, which means that men and … Continue reading