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Category Archives: Drama
Review: ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 2 Premiere

Spoiler warning! Contains season 2 premiere and print comic (issues 1-12) plot details. Last October I, like many, was completely captivated by The Walking Dead when it premiered on AMC. When the first season ended after a mere 6 episodes, I was desperate … Continue reading
Anatomy of a ‘Grey’ Musical

Many shows have been successful in integrating a musical episode into a season as a fun way to change things up without really detracting from the plot or changing character motivations. Unfortunately Grey’s Anatomy is not one of those shows. … Continue reading
An Eventful Renewal

Over a month ago, I posted my top new show picks for the fall season. Among them was the new NBC show The Event. I have since kept quiet about it because for the longest time I couldn’t decide if … Continue reading
CSI: Results Edition

Thank you to everyone who voted in my poll last Friday! There was no clear winner for the options I gave, but a number of people contributed their own responses. The clear favorite was CSI, which I actually had intented … Continue reading
Something Borrowed & Something Blue

Shonda Rhimes is the mind behind two big hit shows on ABC: Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Both of these shows had emotionally charged season finales that involved prominent character deaths. Grey’s was a bit more traumatic beacause it involved … Continue reading
Darkly Returning Dexter
After months and months of waiting and nervous anticipation, my favorite show currently on television returned this week: Dexter. I don’t call this show my “favorite” for nothing. From it’s series premiere straight through four seasons it has had me … Continue reading
“Unknown” Ending
Now that I’ve returned from my writing hiatus, I want to tackle the topic of the Persons Unknown finale. I realize that it’s been a couple of weeks, but the show’s ending was too controversial to not at least mention … Continue reading
Boring TV Cure: “Unknown”

Last week a new mini-series premiered on ABC called Persons Unknown. I didn’t know too much about it and happened to stumble upon it after the premiere of Last Comic Standing. The first couple of minutes caught my eye, so … Continue reading
A Pretty Little Surprise

A while back I talked about how one of my guilty pleasure shows is an ABC Family show called Secret Life of the American Teenager. During its summer premiere, a new show called Pretty Little Liars got a TON of hype, … Continue reading
Lost Revised
I have an interesting follow up to the the last post I made about the Lost finale. I stumbled upon a project called “Lost Revised” (thanks to TVSquad). The guys behind the project shares many of the same opinions I … Continue reading