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Category Archives: Uncategorized
News and Updates
As I announced on my twitter and the OSO facebook page today, I moved the site over to this new domain. I think it’s more suitable than its previous one. The old domain, www.themole171.com is still active as my new … Continue reading
Special Guest Appearance!
The awesome guys over at the MANville Podcast invited me to be a guest on their listener appreciation show this week. It was a ton of fun to record it with them and hopefully you guys will enjoy it! I … Continue reading
New, Exciting Things
To mix things up, I’ve decided to start some new features on here starting this weekend! The first is this nifty “featured posts” bar at the top of the page. It cycles between the three or four most popular posts … Continue reading
Secret Pro-Life of the American Teenager

As most of you know by now, I watch Secret Life of the American Teenager on Monday nights. Despite the low-quality acting, directing, and dialogue, the plot lines continue to keep me hooked. This season’s big topic is that yet … Continue reading
Lost Revised
I have an interesting follow up to the the last post I made about the Lost finale. I stumbled upon a project called “Lost Revised” (thanks to TVSquad). The guys behind the project shares many of the same opinions I … Continue reading
See You In June!
Today I am embarking on an overseas trip that I will not be back from until June 1st. I will obviously not be able to make any posts while away, so I just wanted to say thank you for being … Continue reading
RESULTS: New Blog Name?
So I received 20 votes total in my lovely poll. Thank you to everyone for your input. I am pleased to announce that the winner (by a very slim margin) is “One Seven One”! And for those of you, like … Continue reading
Announcing Some Changes
I recently had an epiphany regarding this blog, and decided that it lacked focus and direction. To remedy this, I have decided to write specifically about TV shows and TV-related subjects, since most of my topic ideas seem to veer … Continue reading
Temperatures Increase and Taste Levels Decrease
If you’re in the northeast like I am, you may have noticed some changes recently, and I’m not talking about the weather (although it is to blame). Yes, it’s getting into the lovely spring weather, which means that men and … Continue reading
I Heart &
I am a graphic and web designer by trade. This warrants a certain level of knowledge regarding typefaces and typography. I have been an admirer and collector of unique fonts for years, long before I even considered becoming a designer … Continue reading